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Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.5

Overview of Dashboard Builder

Dashboard Builder makes it easy to combine multiple Qrvey Composer components, like forms, charts and metrics, into beautiful web pages, each with their own unique sharable URL. You can also combine multiple dashboards into a complete information application by using the Navigation feature.

To open Dashboard Builder, click the Dashboard Builder icon in the left navigation bar.

Dashboard Builder Icon

The Dashboard Builder feature consists of three top-level tabs:

  • Dashboard. Enables you to design and publish dashboards, described in this article.
  • Navigation. Enables you to create navigation menus that combine multiple dashboards into a complete information application.
  • User Management. Enables you to grant and restrict end users’ access to the dashboards.

The Dashboards page lists all the existing dashboards.

Note: If this is a new application, you will not have any dashboards in the list.

General Options

When you first open the Dashboards page, it displays all the existing dashboards. From this screen, you have a variety of options. Click the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the dashboard card to display a shortcut menu with a variety of options.

Dashboard Builder Options

The shortcut menu provides the following options:

  • Edit
  • Rename
  • Delete
  • Duplicate
  • Copy Dashboard Link (For more information, see “Preview a Dashboard” later in this article)
  • Embed (For more information, see Dashboard Builder Widget).

Open an existing dashboard

To open an existing dashboard, locate its card in the list displayed on the main page of Dashboard Builder, and click on it. The canvas displays with the contents of the dashboard.

Create a new dashboard

  1. In Dashboard builder, click Create New Dashboard.
  2. The Create New Dashboard dialog displays with the following two options:
    • Fixed Grid. A fixed canvas that remains constant regardless of the device used to display the dashboard.
    • esponsive Grid. An adaptive canvas that is suitable for displaying dashboards on multiple devices, such as tablets and phones.
  3. Select a grid option and click Create. An empty canvas displays, ready for you to create your dashboard.

Note: You can change the grid option after you’ve created the dashboard. Open the dashboard, click the Grid menu, and select Change to Responsive Grid or Change to Fixed Grid.

Using Design Mode and Interaction Mode

Dashboard Builder provides two modes for working with dashboards:

  • Design mode. The default mode for building and configuring dashboards.
  • Interaction mode. Enables you to review and interact with the dashboard just as you would in Dashboard View. For example, you can create filters, use filter controls, and execute Dashboard Actions. To open Interaction mode, click the Interact button at the top of the page. To return to Design mode, click the Design button.

Note: Any changes made in Interaction mode are not persisted after returning to Design mode.

Overview of the Canvas in Design mode

The Dashboard Builder canvas in Design mode provides a wide variety of options for creating custom dashboards. The upper portion of the page displays the page status, publishing options, menus, and a toolbar. The right side contains the configuration panels. The remainder of the page is the canvas for designing your dashboard.

Dashboard Builder Canvas 8.3

Data panel overview

The Data panel displays the configured datasets that you can work with, and it enables you to search for a particular dataset. Expand a dataset to display all the charts and summary panels that have been created using that dataset. From here, you can perform the following:

  • Drag a panel directly onto the canvas.
  • Hover over a panel to display the name of the chart, chart type, and description (if available).
  • Click the arrow icon next to a dataset name to open the design page for the dataset.
  • Click the blue star to add it to your favorites. Click the orange button at the top of the panel to display only the favorites.

For more information on datasets, see Overview of Datasets.

Filters panel overview

The Filters panel enables you to add filters to the dashboard, so that end-users can interact with them in the published application.

Note: The Filters panel is different than the Filter Control panel, which provides configuration settings for the selected filter object on the canvas.

This panel also provides a variety of options for managing filters. Options include:

  • Add Filter. To create a new filter, click the Add Filter button to display the Filter dialog. Use the options in this dialog to select the column, define the condition, and specify values to refine the data. You can also set the scope of the filter to All dashboards or Current dashboard.
  • Filter Panel Settings. The Filter Panel Settings dialog provides options for customizing how the Filters panel displays, including the color codes, in the Dashboard builder.
  • Disable All Filters. To disable all filters, click the three-dot menu in the Filters panel and click Disable All Filters.
  • Delete All Filters. To delete all filters, click the three-dot menu in the Filters panel and click Delete All Filters.

To work with filters, you should be familiar with the various filter components provided in the Qrvey platform. For more information, see Overview of Filters.

Configuration options panel overview

The Configuration panel provides options for the object that is currently selected on the canvas. For example:

  • For Text, Images and Buttons, the Configuration panel provides options to style fonts, colors, text alignment, image aspect, and an option to add a URL to create links from the objects.
  • For charts, the Configuration panel provides chart options such as Filter By or Drill-Downs in a customized way for your page viewers.

Resolution options

In Fixed Grid dashboards, you can choose the resolution that will fit your page viewers best.

To change resolution, click Grid Options in the toolbar and select a resolution from the dropdown menu:

  • 1024px
  • 1280px
  • 1366px
  • 1920px

You can change this setting at any time keeping in mind that this affects the sizes of all pages, and when switching to a smaller resolution, some objects may be repositioned which is an action that cannot be reverted.

Grid options

Dashboard Builder provides the following options for configuring the grid that is displayed on the canvas:

  • To enable or disable the snap-to-grid functionality, click the Grid menu and select Snap to Grid.
  • To hide the grid, click the Grid menu and select Hide Grid.
  • To display the grid, click the Grid menu and select Show Grid.

In addition, the Grid menu enables you to switch between Responsive Grid and Fixed Grid, defined as follows:

  • Responsive Grid. An adaptive canvas that is suitable for displaying dashboards on multiple devices, such as tablets and phones.
  • Fixed Grid. A fixed canvas that remains constant regardless of the device used to display the dashboard.

Responsive View options

The Responsive View option in the toolbar enables you to preview how your content will be displayed on different devices. Options are Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile.

You can configure the minimum and minimum width for the dashboard in each of these options. Click the Responsive View icon in the toolbar and select Customize Breakpoints Resolution. The Customize Breakpoints Dimensions dialog displays with minimum and maximum settings for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Working with objects in the canvas

The canvas in Design mode provides standard controls that are common in design tools, such as selecting, dragging, selecting, and resizing objects.

The following sections describe features you can use in Design mode to build your dashboard.

Undo and Redo

Dashboard Builder provides conventional Undo and Redo buttons, which can undo and redo up to 50 actions.

Undo and Redo

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Undo: COMMAND+Z (on a Mac) or CTRL+Z (on a PC)
  • Redo: COMMAND+SHIFT+Z (on a Mac) or CTRL+SHIFT+Z (on a PC)

Insert a chart

To insert a chart, in the toolbar, click Add Chart. The Chart Builder opens. For more information on creating charts, see Chart Builder Overview.

Insert an image

You can add images to your report by uploading them or linking to a URL.

  1. Click the Image icon in the toolbar.
  2. Click on the canvas to insert the image object. Size and position the bounding box as desired. The Configuration panel updates to display Image Configuration options.
  3. In the Image Configuration panel, paste the URL to the image in the field provided, or click Upload Image and upload an image file.
  4. Under Aspect, select how the image fills the bounding box:
    • Contain. Image resizes to fit in the container without changing proportions.
    • Cover. Image retains its size and aspect ratio, regardless of the size of the bounding box.
    • Fill. Image resizes and changes its proportions to fit in the container.
  5. On the canvas, adjust the size and position of the image box as needed.

Add text

You can add static text to your report by drawing a Text box on the canvas and configuring its settings. Text settings include:

  • Font Type
  • Font Size
  • Text Styles (Bold, Italic, etc.)
  • Font Color
  • Background Color
  • Alignment
  • Text Wrapping
  • Borders
  • Padding

To add text

  1. Click the Text icon on the toolbar.
  2. Draw a bounding box on the canvas. Size and position the box as desired. The Configuration panel updates to display Text Configuration options.
  3. Click in the box and type your text.
  4. Use the settings in the Text Configuration panel to format the text.

Insert a button

You can add buttons to your dashboard to enable end users to easily navigate to a different site.

To add a button

  1. Click the Button icon on the toolbar.
  2. Draw a bounding box on the canvas. Size and position the box as desired. The Configuration panel updates to display Button Configuration options.
  3. In the Button Configuration panel, under Label, enter the text to display on the button.
  4. Select the Font Color and Background Color in the boxes provided.
  5. In the Add Link box, paste in the URL you want the button to redirect to.

Working with Themes

The Themes feature enables you to apply the same look-and-feel to multiple charts. Qrvey Composer provides a default theme that you cannot delete or edit. However, you may create new themes and define your own visual styles. When you create a theme, it is available in all your applications. Every theme has a unique ID that you can reference programmatically.

For more information on working with Themes, see "Managing Themes" in Setting Chart Colors and Themes.

Insert a Filter Control

The Filter Controls feature enables you to add an object to the dashboard that provides end users with some data filtering capabilities. Options are:

  • Date picker
  • Value list
  • Input box

Note: The Filter Controls feature is different than the Filters feature. For more information on configuring filters, see Overview of Filters.

To add a filter control

  1. Click the Filter Controls icon in the toolbar and select one of the following options:
    • Date picker
    • Value list
    • Input box
  2. Draw a bounding box on the canvas. Size and position the box as desired. The Configuration panel updates to display Filter Control Configuration options.
  3. Under General, select the column to use in the Filter Control.
  4. Complete the remaining options for the filter control. Note that the options provided vary depending on the type of Filter Control selected.

Align Objects

The Align components feature helps arrange the components with more precision. To align components, select them on the canvas and click the Align Objects icon on the toolbar. Select one of the following options:

  • Align left
  • Align center
  • Align right
  • Align top
  • Align middle
  • Align bottom

Arrange Objects

You can arrange overlapping components so that one is in front or behind the other. Select the component you want to arrange and click the Arrange Components icon on the toolbar. Select one of the following options:

  • Send to Front
  • Send to Back

Download options

The Download feature enables you to download the dashboard data in CSV or Excel format or a visualization of the dashboard in PDF format. If multiple datasets are used on the same dashboards, they are exported as separate files.

To download a file, click the Download icon on the toolbar and select one of the following options:

  • CSV
  • PDF
  • Excel

Use Download Manager to access and manage exported files. For more information, see Download Manager.

Add a page header

Dashboard Builder enables you to add a customized page header to all your dashboards.

  1. To add a page header, click the Insert menu and click Page Header. The canvas updates to display a header area as a container on the page. The Configuration panel updates to display Header Configuration options.
  2. In the Header Configuration panel, configure the following options as desired:
    • Background Color
    • Logo
    • Background Image
    • Width
    • Height
  3. In the header area of the canvas, add the desired visual components, such as images, buttons, text, etc.

Using tabs

The Tab feature enables you to separate the content of a dashboard in different sections.

  1. To add a tab strip, click the Insert menu and click Tabs. A tab strip displays at the top of the dashboard. The Configuration panel updates to display Tab Configuration options.
  2. In the Tab Configuration panel, configure the following options as desired:
    • Font Color
    • Selector Color
    • Background Color
    • Border Color
    • Tab Size
  3. To rename the tab, click the three-dot menu and select Rename.
  4. To add a new tab, click the + icon to the right of the existing tab(s).
  5. To create a duplicate tab, click the three-dot menu and select Duplicate Tab.

Enabling Subscriptions

You can enable end users to subscribe to a scheduled delivery of exported dashboards or specific charts.

To enable subscriptions, click the Insert menu and click Page Subscriptions. A subscription icon displays in the lower right corner of the dashboard.

Once enabled, end users are provided the option to subscribe to the dashboard view in the Action menu of the embedded Dashboard View widget.

For more information on using subscriptions, see Subscribing to Exports.

Preview a Dashboard

Dashboard Builder enables you to preview a single dashboard in a browser, so you can see how the page will appear to the end user. Note that the preview feature requires you to publish the application first, which commits the application to the server. You cannot resume editing the dashboard until you unpublish the application.

NOTE: Version 8.3 introduces Interaction mode, which provides a quick way to preview your dashboard within the Dashboard Builder interface. For more information, see "Using Design Mode and Interaction Mode" earlier in this article.

  1. Click the Dashboard icon in the left-hand menu to display the Dashboard list.

  2. Click the Publish Application button.

    Publish Application Button

    The application is committed to the server.

  3. Open the dashboard that you wish to preview.

  4. Click the File menu and click Copy Dashboard Link.

  5. Open a new browser tab and paste in the link. The dashboard displays in the browser.

  6. To continue editing the dashboard, you must unpublish the application. On the Dashboard page, click Unpublish.

Preview an Application

Dashboard Builder provides a preview link that you can use to view an application in a browser. The Preview feature enables you to see how the application will appear to the end user. Note that the preview feature requires you to publish the application first, which commits the application to the server. You cannot resume editing the application until you unpublish it.

NOTE: Version 8.3 introduces Interaction mode, which provides a quick way to preview your dashboard within the Dashboard Builder interface. For more information, see "Using Design Mode and Interaction Mode" earlier in this article.

  1. Click the Dashboard icon in the left-hand menu to display the Dashboard list.

  2. Verify that the pages you want to preview are included in the Navigation Menu. For more information, see Overview of Navigation.

  3. Click the Publish Application button.

    Publish Application Button

    The application is committed to the server, and the Link button is activated.

  4. Click the Link button. The application displays in the browser.

  5. To continue editing on application, click Unpublish.

Publish an Application

Before an application can be made available to end users, you must publish it. The Publish feature commits the application to the server and enables the Embed and Preview features. For more information on the publishing process, see the training video, Content Publishing.

  1. Verify that the pages you want to preview are included in the Navigation Menu. For more information, see Overview of Navigation.

  2. Verify that you have granted and/or restricted access to the desired users. For more information, see Overview of User Management.

  3. Click the Publish Application button.

    Publish Application Button

    The application is committed to the server. You may now preview the application using the Link option, or embed the application using the Embed options.