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Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.5

Web Form Field Guide

Qrvey’s Web Forms offer a wide variety of field types to make sure you have the right tool for the job. In this guide, we’ll list all of the available types and explain how to use each one.

In a survey or a quiz a field is often referred to as a question. For convenience, the word field is used below.

Note: Not all question and field types are available in all Web Forms.

Address (Global)

The Address field allows for the entry of international addresses and includes a country selector drop-down menu.


Address (US)

The US Address field allows for the input of a valid address in the US and includes city, state and zip code fields, but does not include a country selector.



The Date field allows your respondents to enter a date as their answer. They will be provided with a simple date picker to quickly and accurately make their selection. There is also the option to add a date range if desired, requiring that the users only enter dates within a specific time frame. If you select a date range, a note will be provided to your users letting them know what the required range is.


The Dropdown field allows respondents to choose from a predefined list of options in a familiar dropdown list format. You can either type in your choices, copy and paste them from another source, or choose from one of the prebuilt lists provided on the right. Additionally, you have the option to provide an Other field where respondents can type in their own value. You can use the Clear All link to remove all of the existing options.



The Email field automatically checks if a correctly formatted email address has been entered and will not let the respondent proceed without one.



The Expression field is a great way to determine how a respondent feels about a certain topic by letting them choose up to three words from a predetermined list that has been provided.

Start by entering your question, then add the words you’d like your respondents to choose from. Separate words by using a comma or a space between them.


If you choose to Activate categories you can enter a different word list into the “positive” and “negative” categories. Your respondents will first choose whether they feel good (positive) or bad (negative) about your question, then choose only from the words in that category.


The Image field allows the user to select one or more images from a list. You can provide 2 to 15 images for the user to select from and specify if multiple selections are allowed. You can upload or link to any JPG, GIF or PNG image. The preferred image dimensions are 420×250 pixels - all images will be scaled to fit those dimensions. Images can be uploaded from your local computer or you can provide a link to any image you find online.

Once you’ve uploaded your images, be sure to give each option a name below the image.


Image Upload

The Image Upload field allows the user to upload a new or existing image as their response. The supported image formats include JPG, GIF or PNG.

Once the image is uploaded, you have the option of analyzing it in one of two ways — Object analysis looks at the image and identifies items and objects, while Text analysis looks for characters and words within the image.  In both cases, the image will be tagged with the items or words discovered, and those tags can be used in your analytics and automation.

As with all machine learning functions, object and text analysis are not exact sciences, so treat them accordingly.


File Upload

The File Upload field is similar to the Image Upload field, except that it also enables an optional description.

The supported file formats include PDF, JPG, PNG, DOC, XLS, and CSV.

As with all machine learning functions, the analysis is not exact science so treat it accordingly.



The Lookup field allows the user to select one or multiple items from a list that is populated from a data source. The data source can be another web form, spreadsheet, live connection, or external data source.


Multiple Choice

The Multiple Choice field allow users to select one or multiple items from a predefined list of up to 15 choices. To begin, type your question in the box provided, add a description if desired, and enter at least two answer choices.

A Multiple Choice field can also be used to have users look at an image and then select the correct answer(s) from the provided options. Click Add Image if you’d like to add an image to your question.

To add additional items, click the '+' icon. You can also choose to allow multiple selections or randomize the answers by selecting the appropriate boxes. Adding the Other option will allow users to type in their own answers (up to 100 characters in length).

If your web form is a survey, Multiple Choice questions also support branching. Click + Add Branch to add branching options to your Multiple Choice question.



The Name field is a simple text area for respondents to enter their first and last name, as shown below.



The Numeric field allows the entry of a simple numeric value. Qrvey offers a few numeric options to ensure respondents enter their numbers in the format you’re looking for.

In the first drop-down menu, you can choose the type of number you’re looking for. General allows digits without comma separators (e.g. zip codes, item numbers, etc.); Number will automatically insert comma separators; Currency automatically adds a dollar sign and two decimal places to respondent's answers; Percentage will add a percent sign (%).

If you’d like your numeric responses to be contained within a specific range, click the Select Range drop-down and choose from the options of Less Than, More Than or Between. Depending on your selection, one or two additional boxes will appear so you can set the values you require. 

Note: If you choose to include a numeric range, a notification will be provided to your users, letting them know what the required range is.

Finally, you can choose whether or not to allow decimal values. For numeric answers like zip codes, you may prefer to disable decimals. Once enabled, there will be no limit to the number of decimals a respondent can provide.



The Password field allows respondents to enter an encrypted password. The password field hides the password as it is being typed and will be saved as an encrypted hash. You will not have access to the password itself, only the hash.

You can choose to have the respondent enter their password twice for verification, as well as choose the minimum and the maximum number of characters you want to allow.



The Phone Number field requires respondents to enter a correctly formatted 10-digit phone number.



The Ranking field allows your respondents to order a list of items using a simple drag-and-drop motion. To build a ranking question, just type in the options you’d like your respondents to choose from. For the most unbiased results, your options should be as random as possible.



The Rating field shows your respondents a familiar five-star scale from which they can choose a rating between one and five stars.



The Signature field allows you to capture a digital signature on your forms and surveys. Respondents sign with their finger or mouse, depending on the device they’re using.


Slide Bar

The Slide Bar field allows your respondents to choose their answer on a sliding scale. They are best used for ordinal questions that gauge “how much” a person agrees or disagrees with your question. This is an example of what your respondents will see:


Building a slide bar is easy. Simply type in your question, along with the values for the two endpoints. You can then choose how many steps you’d like to create between the lowest and the highest value.


Text (Long)

For those times when the 120 characters of a short text question are just not enough, you can choose a Long Text question type — that will allow for up to 500-character answers.


Text (Short)

Hear what your respondents have to say in their own words by using the Short Text question type. Similar to a text message or a tweet, short text answers are limited to just 120 characters.


Yes / No

The Yes/No field is similar to the Multiple Choice field, except that it only offers two options. You can modify what those choices are, but you’re limited to just the two. In cases where you need the Other field, multiple selections or more answer options, a Multiple Choice field would be a better option. Yes/No fields also support branching in surveys.
