Activity Log
The Activity Log records all major activity in your user account across all of your applications. Each data set also has its own Activity Log. It logs events in an application, such as creation, deletion, and major changes, as well as sending or receiving applications.
AWS Services Used by Qrvey
Qrvey is built with multiple AWS services. Here is a list of the main components to give you an idea of what you can expect in your AWS bill. Many have a free tier or upfront pricing depending on your account.
Configuring AWS and Qrvey for Postgres Connections Utilizing the Export to S3 Method
Very large or long-running queries to Postgres may take several minutes to start. You can speed up this process by selecting the option, “Export Data to S3 to Support Larger Data Loads”. When employed, the query output is sent to S3 and then Qrvey pulls the data from there. The option is available when the Host URL points to an AWS RDS Postgres instance that is in the same AWS region as Qrvey.
Configuring AWS and Qrvey for Redshift Connections
The steps below detail how to configure Qrvey to access Redshift clusters for the purpose of loading data into Qrvey for data analysis.
Configuring AWS and Qrvey for Snowflake Connections
The steps below detail the required configuration to access Snowflake clusters for loading data into Qrvey for data analysis.
Configuring Dynamic Labels For Datasets
Configuring Time Zone Settings
The Qrvey platform enables end users to display dates and times in their local time zone. The Qrvey platform stores data in UTC/GMT+0 and adjusts the time displayed to the end user based on their preferred settings. The default time zone setting is specified in Qrvey Admin Center, but it can be overridden programmatically. The possible settings are:
Connecting Qrvey Platform to Your Secure Database Instance
This document explains the steps you need to take if you want to securely access your AWS RDS instance to load data into the Qrvey Business Analytics platform.
Create a Qrvey Administrator Account in AWS IAM
The initial Qrvey Administrator account was created when your instance of Qrvey platform was created. You may create additional Administrator accounts using the User Management feature in Qrvey Admin Center. You also have the option to create a Qrvey Administrator account in the AWS IAM service.
Customizing Qrvey Deployment
This document will help you customize a Qrvey Instance for different configurations like Composer URL, “From” email address, etc.
Database Connections
You can create connections to various RDBMS by using the Database Connection feature under the Connections tab. Database connections can be created by entering the common connection attributes in the provided fields in the connection dialog, or by using the more advanced connection attributes using a JSON structure. While the former method is the default, the latter can be used to configure properties that are typically not included, such as timeout and encryption preferences.
Deleting an Installation
Deleting a deployment will remove all the metadata and data stored in Qrvey Platform. And the only way to recover the data would be from a backup but the application URLs and API keys will change as you would be restoring the backup in a new instance.
Disabling Lambda Recursive Loop Detection
In July of 2023, AWS enabled Lambda recursive loop detection to identify and prevent excessive recursive loops in any Lambda functions. The Qrvey platform uses recursive loops for some long-running tasks with appropriate safeguards to prevent excessive invocations. You must disable Lambda recursive loop detection to avoid an interruption of service.
Elasticsearch Management
The Infrastructure page of the Qrvey Admin Center enables you to view, monitor, and manage the configuration of your Elasticsearch cluster.
File Upload Connection
This article describes the steps to create connections to the supported file types, which includes comma-delimited CSV, JSON, and ndJSON. You can also connect to an Amazon S3 bucket with multiple files in these formats.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This article contains frequently asked questions organized by user persona. If you still can't find what you're looking for, ask us!
Health Dashboard
The Health Dashboard in Qrvey Admin Center provides an easy-to-read status of the health of the Elasticsearch cluster in this instance of the Qrvey platform.
Initial Installation
The following steps will walk you through installing the Qrvey platform in your AWS account using a CloudFormation template. Before starting these steps, please confirm your AWS Account ID has been enabled for deployment from Qrvey’s side.
Internationalization, Step By Step
Introduction to the Qrvey Deployment Guide
The Qrvey platform is deployed to an AWS environment. This section of the Qrvey Partner Portal provides CloudOps Engineers with the information they need to manage the deployment. Articles include:
Introduction to the Qrvey Platform
The Qrvey platform is an all-in-one analytics solution that enables SaaS providers to put cutting-edge analytics into the hands of their users. This article contains essential information required to understand how to work with the Qrvey platform.
Join Lake Optimization
Datasets with joins have their data copied in S3 so that it may be joined using Athena. When there are frequent data syncs, the S3 folder accumulates an excess number of small files. In addition, when data syncs update existing records with matching IDs, the old records remain in S3. Both of these situations degrade join performance and, in extreme cases, may even lead to errors.
Manage Applications
Managing AWS Elasticsearch Cluster
The Qrvey platform uses AWS Elasticsearch service to store all Analytics data and runs queries on this cluster to show Charts and Metrics in UI. This document explains how to monitor and Resize an AWS Elasticsearch cluster based on your needs and requirements.
Overview of Connections
You can create and manage your connections to various data sources in the Connections tab.
Overview of Internationalization
Qrvey platform supports internationalization and localization for end users in a comprehensive manner. Multi-lingual support is offered for both “static” and “dynamic” text, as well as formatting of numbers and dates based on regions and cultures.
Overview of the CloudOps Engineer Persona
CloudOps Engineers are AWS gurus that deploy, upgrade, and monitor the instances of the Qrvey platform.
Preparing Your AWS Account
Qrvey will deploy to your AWS account using a CloudFormation template. CloudFormation templates enable you to automate the deployment process of the AWS services required to run the Qrvey system. The following steps will walk you through the deployment process.
Prerequisites for Installation
As you prepare to install Qrvey within your current or a new AWS environment, there are a few items to be aware of prior to installation.
Setting Up Data Load Notifications
Troubleshooting Deployment
Here are some common scenarios where a deployment could result in failure.
Upgrading to a New Version
To install a new version of Qrvey to update your deployment, follow these steps:
Upgrading to Version 8.4 or Later with a Custom Domain
This article applies to all customers upgrading to version 8.4 or later of the Qrvey platform and are using a custom domain URL for Qrvey Composer.
Using Google as the OpenID Provider
Before Creators can use the OpenID provider to log in, you must set up your OpenID provider account in order to obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials: ClientID, Client Secret, Realm; set a redirect URL (Return URL); and optionally, customize the branding information that creators will see on the user-consent screen.
Using OAuth as the OpenID Provider
Before Creators can use the OpenID provider to log in, you must set up your OpenID provider account in order to obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials: ClientID, Client Secret, Realm; set a redirect URL (Return URL); and optionally, customize the branding information that creators will see on the user-consent screen.