Accessing Qrvey Admin Center
Qrvey Admin Center is a web-based application that is installed with every instance of the Qrvey platform. You must have an account with the Administrator role to access Qrvey Admin.
Qrvey Admin Center is a web-based application that is installed with every instance of the Qrvey platform. You must have an account with the Administrator role to access Qrvey Admin.
Content Deployment enables you to copy the contents of a source Qrvey application, then pass it into a new target application.
Content Deployment enables you to copy the contents of a source Qrvey application, then pass it into a new target application.
The Qrvey platform enables end users to display dates and times in their local time zone. The Qrvey platform stores data in UTC/GMT+0 and adjusts the time displayed to the end user based on their preferred settings. The default time zone setting is specified in Qrvey Admin Center, but it can be overridden programmatically. The possible settings are:
The initial Qrvey Administrator account was created when your instance of Qrvey platform was created. You may create additional Administrator accounts using the User Management feature in Qrvey Admin Center. You also have the option to create a Qrvey Administrator account in the AWS IAM service.
The Customization page of Qrvey Admin Center provides administrators with a variety of options for customizing their instance of Qrvey Composer.
You can create connections to various RDBMS by using the Database Connection feature under the Connections tab. Database connections can be created by entering the common connection attributes in the provided fields in the connection dialog, or by using the more advanced connection attributes using a JSON structure. While the former method is the default, the latter can be used to configure properties that are typically not included, such as timeout and encryption preferences.
A Deployment Definition is a set of instructions for a deployment job. It defines the package version to use, which content from the package to include, and whether any of the content has to be modified during deployment. You can configure the deployment definition to create a new application or to update an existing application.
A Deployment Job executes the type of deployment specified by one or more deployment definitions against one or more target servers. Deployment jobs consist of “blocks” of instructions, with each block configuring the deployment of one deployment definition to any number of users on one destination server. That means that you can have one Deployment Job deploy multiple applications to as many users as necessary, on multiple environments. Deployment jobs require at least one block.
This feature is disabled by default and must be enabled by your team admin. For details, please see Customizing Qrvey Composer.
The Infrastructure page of the Qrvey Admin Center enables you to view, monitor, and manage the configuration of your Elasticsearch cluster.
This article describes the steps to create connections to the supported file types, which includes comma-delimited CSV, JSON, and ndJSON. You can also connect to an Amazon S3 bucket with multiple files in these formats.
This article contains frequently asked questions organized by user persona. If you still can't find what you're looking for, ask us!
The Health Dashboard in Qrvey Admin Center provides an easy-to-read status of the health of the Elasticsearch cluster in this instance of the Qrvey platform.
Qrvey Admin Center is a web-based application used by administrators to manage and monitor the Qrvey platform. It is installed with every instance of the Qrvey platform along with Qrvey Composer. For more information on its capabilities, see the following sections:
The Qrvey platform is an all-in-one analytics solution that enables SaaS providers to put cutting-edge analytics into the hands of their users. This article contains essential information required to understand how to work with the Qrvey platform.
The Qrvey Admin Center enables you to create and manage user accounts in Qrvey Composer, assign roles and permissions, and set up authentication methods.
The first step with any self-service embedded analytics implementation is to design, develop and then populate the datasets that will become the sources for all charts, metrics and visualizations created in the platform. SaaS organizations building datasets for multi-tenant deployments of embedded analytics must think about the following topics with respect to the data architecture:
Qrvey’s approach to multi-tenant security architecture is to utilize the assert model for both authentication and authorization. The assert model effectively allows you to maintain your existing user accounts, roles/groups and permissions, and then declare a user’s identity and permissions to the Qrvey platform dynamically at runtime. The ability to assert/declare a user’s identity and access permissions is favorable when embedding third party platforms in your core application for a multi-tenancy deployment, because it means that you will not need to redefine and replicate your existing security schema.
You can create and manage your connections to various data sources in the Connections tab.
In Qrvey, Content Deployment refers to the process of copying content from one application to another, in the same environment or to a different one. Content Deployment is a powerful tool for managing all of the content generated in a multi-tenant deployment.
Qrvey platform supports internationalization and localization for end users in a comprehensive manner. Multi-lingual support is offered for both “static” and “dynamic” text, as well as formatting of numbers and dates based on regions and cultures.
SaaS organizations that want to embed self-service analytics within their core applications to support a multi-tenant deployment should think about the following considerations:
This section describes how to configure security to restrict and grant access to the columns and records in the dataset. Articles include:
Solution Architects use the Qrvey Admin Center to manage the infrastructure, users, and content, as well as configure Qrvey Composer. The primary technical resource for the Solution Architect is the Qrvey Admin Center User Guide.
In the User Management tab, you can not only create users and groups but also restrict access to certain portions of your application. For instance, you may wish to hide individual pages or components from certain users or allow certain groups of users to access only specific datasets.
A package enables you to create a snapshot of a selected application with all of its content and dependencies. Each snapshot is called a “version”. You can use the same package to create subsequent versions. This enables you to create different versions of this snapshot over time, as the source application changes.
Each instance of the Qrvey platform is considered a “server”. A server includes Qrvey Composer, Qrvey Admin Center, the ElasticSearch cluster, the users of the instance, and all content and related metadata.
Before Creators can use the OpenID provider to log in, you must set up your OpenID provider account in order to obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials: ClientID, Client Secret, Realm; set a redirect URL (Return URL); and optionally, customize the branding information that creators will see on the user-consent screen.
Before Creators can use the OpenID provider to log in, you must set up your OpenID provider account in order to obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials: ClientID, Client Secret, Realm; set a redirect URL (Return URL); and optionally, customize the branding information that creators will see on the user-consent screen.