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What’s New

Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.6

Disabling Lambda Recursive Loop Detection

In July of 2023, AWS enabled Lambda recursive loop detection to identify and prevent excessive recursive loops in any Lambda functions. The Qrvey platform uses recursive loops for some long-running tasks with appropriate safeguards to prevent excessive invocations. You must disable Lambda recursive loop detection to avoid an interruption of service.

For more information about Lambda recursive loop detection, see the following AWS documentation: Lambda recursive loop detection.

To prevent an interruption to your Qrvey platform, contact AWS Support to file a support case. For each AWS account where Qrvey is or will be installed, create an AWS Support case with the following information:

Tech Support (or) Account -> Other Account issues

Disable Lambda recursive loop detection

Hi AWS Support, Please disable Lambda recursive loop detection in the following regions of this account:

<list of regions where Qrvey is deployed>

This account has the Qrvey platform deployed. The Qrvey platform uses Recursive Lambda functions, and it implements the necessary checks and failsafes to avoid extra charges.