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What’s New

Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.6

Configuring AWS and Qrvey for Snowflake Connections

The steps below detail the required configuration to access Snowflake clusters for loading data into Qrvey for data analysis.

The changes allow Qrvey to access the cluster and also enable it to export data to S3 to be accessed by Qrvey.


The steps below detail the required configuration to access Snowflake clusters for loading data into Qrvey for data analysis.

The changes allow Qrvey to access the cluster and also enable it to export data to S3 to be accessed by Qrvey.

  1. Create a KMS Key
  • a. Open the AWS console.
  • b. Use the Qrvey deployment’s AWS account.
  • c. Create a new key.
  • d. Select the Asymmetric option.
  • e. Select Sign and verify.
  • f. Select Key spec RSA_2048.
  • g. Click Next.
  • h. Set Alias to “QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT-snowflake-kms”.
    • i. Change QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT to the Qrvey deployment name.
  • i. Click Next.
  • j. For “Key administrators”, select one or more AWS users to be the administrators.
  • k. Click Finish.
  • l. Open the details for the new key.
  • m. Select the Public key tab.
  • n. Copy the KMS public key, it will be used later. Copy without the opening and closing lines, or newlines.
  • o. Note the new KMS key’s ARN.
  1. Create a Policy to give Qrvey permissions to the Snowflake cluster.
  • a. Continue in the Qrvey AWS account.
  • b. Open AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • c. Go to Policies, and Create Policy.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT-dataload-drdatacommons/sql_export/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT-dataload-drdatacommons",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": [
  • d. Click Next: Tags.
  • e. Click Next: Review.
  • f. Name the new Policy. For example: “SnowflakeDataAccessPolicy”
  1. Create a new Role for the Policy, enabling access from Snowflake to S3.
  • a. Open AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • b. Go to Roles, then Create Role.
    • i. Choose the option Another AWS account.
    • ii. Set the Account ID (same AWS account ID) and choose the option Require external ID. For the External ID set 0000. Click on Next.
    • iii. In the Filter lookup for the previous Policy created (step 3):
    • iv. Set Role Name and Description to finally create the Role.
    • v. Get the new role’s ARN in the Summary View.
  1. Configure Snowflake.
  • a. Open the Snowflake console.
    • i. Create a Snowflake user.
    • ii. Assign the user a ROLE that allows the user to read data.
  • b. Create a Storage Integration in the Snowflake cluster.
  • c. From Snowflake, run the CREATE STORAGE INTEGRATION command, replacing QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT and EXPORT_TO_S3_ARN.
STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS = ('s3://QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT-dataload-drdatacommons/sql_export/')
  • d. Grant permission to Snowflake user role, as follows:
  • e. Set the Trust Relationship between the Snowflake and the AWS account. i. Run this query:


  • ii. From the query response note the values for STORAGE_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN and STORAGE_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID.
  • iii. Return to the IAM console, and open the role created above.
  • iv. Click the Trust Relationship tab.
  • v. Click Edit.
  • vi. Set the trust relationship following this example, replacing the values from the query above.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
  • vii. Update the Snowflake user account to include the KMS key created above.
  1. Create a new Secret that points to the Snowflake cluster.
  • a. Open AWS Secrets Manager.
  • b. Create a new Secret.
  • c. Select Other type of secret.
  • d. Select the Plaintext tab.
  • e. Set the key/value pairs with the following example. Specify the Snowflake user, password, account, the KMS ARN, and the storageIntegration.
"user": "XXXX",
"password": "****",
"account": "acountid.region",
"kmsARNId": "KMS_KEY_ARN",
"storageIntegration": "QrveyExportToS3_QRVEY_DEPLOYMENT"
  • f. Click Next.
  • g. Enter a Secret name. For example SnowflakeClusterSecret.
  • h. Click Next.
  • i. Click Store.
  • j. Note this Secret’s ARN string for later use.
  1. Set permissions for the Qrvey Database lambda.
  • a. Open AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • b. Click Roles.
  • c. Search for the lambdas role. It contains these strings: “DBDatasourcePumpFunction” and “elastic-view-function-role”. There are Roles for each Qrvey deployment. Select the role applying to the current Qrvey deployment.
  • d. Click Add inline policy.
  • e. Click the JSON tab.
  • f. Paste the Sample Inline Policy for the lambdas shown below, replacing the appropriate ARN.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "getSecretValue",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "getPublicKey",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
  • g. Click Review policy.
  • h. Name the policy. Example: SnowflakeDataAccessAssumeRole.
  • i. Click Save, and see that the new policy has been added.
  1. Open the Qrvey application.
  • a. Click Datasets.
  • b. Click New Connections.
  • c. Create a new Connection for Snowflake.
  • d. Enter the Secret ARN created above.
  • e. Test the new Connection.