You can configure chart interactions on the Dashboard Builder by setting up actions when users click on a data point or a chart panel area in the End User pages.
You can configure chart interactions on the Dashboard Builder by setting up actions when users click on a data point or a chart panel area in the End User pages.
In this article, we’ll review all of the Flow actions available under Data Actions. In general, “Record” functions are used for web forms and uploaded CSV datasets, while “Data” functions work with connected datasources such as Elasticsearch, SQL and Oracle databases.
In this article, we’ll review all of the Flow actions available under Send Actions.
The Activity Log tracks significant actions within your user account across all applications, logging events like creation, deletion, updates, and sendeding or receiving of applications. Each data set possesses its individual Activity Log.
The Activity Log records all major activity in your user account across all of your applications. Each data set also has its own Activity Log. It logs events in an application, such as creation, deletion, and major changes, as well as sending or receiving applications.
The Advanced Settings tab provides advanced configuration options for your dataset.
Sometimes it is needed to bring data from different data sources with similar structures, and append it to form one single dataset that contains data from all the sources. This action, which is known as UNION in databases, is available in the Qrvey platform and explained in this article.
Users can enable tooltips that appear as pop-ups on mouse-over events for chart data points. By default, the tooltip pop-up displays the same data that was used to generate each data point in the chart. For example, if the data point value for a specific bar in a bar chart is “100”, then the tooltip will display “100” as well. Users can customize the data values displayed in the tooltip by adding one or more tooltip columns that map to other fields in the selected dataset.
Column links in Qrvey enable you to automatically associate a URL with a column, creating interactive links in visualizations. When a column with a link is used in a page visualization, a "Go to URL" action is automatically created, enhancing the interactivity and functionality of your dashboards. By default, the Custom Link will be used across all visualizations, but can be custom-tailored to each chart by using tokens to create dynamic URLs in the default link or overwriting the default link in a given chart or visualization.
Use a Bar Chart to compare categorical aggregate values. For example, a bar chart can be used to compare the amount/percentage of a population that attends various categorical events. In Qrvey, users can create Horizontal or Vertical Bar Charts.
A Box & Whisker Chart (also called a Box Plot), visualizes the distribution of a set of data in terms of five numbers: the minimum and maximum values on the two ends, the lower quartile, the median, and the upper quartile. It is important to note that the minimum and maximum values are not necessarily the true minimum and maximum values, but minimum and maximum values after excluding the outliers from the data set. You can also choose whether to display the outliers.
Branching is a powerful feature that allows you to ask follow-up questions based on the respondent's answer to the previous question.
Bubble Maps show aggregated values in precise locations with each bubble area being proportional to the value being represented - the higher the value, the bigger the bubble. These are best suited for comparing proportions of values over geographic regions, like for example the sales amount in different locations.
Bucketing is a powerful feature that allows for the grouping of multiple data points into a single item, called a bucket, to make analysis easier.
This article describes the basics of building a web form and working with the various field and question types.
Bullet Chart is used to illustrate progress toward a threshold. The qualitative ranges are displayed as different colors that can be customized, for example, to show the performance as poor, satisfactory, or good.
While building your chart, you are able to create and apply Internal FIlters to its data. These filters are part of the chart and will be retained in all instances of the chart across the entire application. Furthermore, they are not visible outside of the edit mode and can’t be used for interaction. This makes them a secure and “hidden” way of filtering the data.
Choropleth maps are a type of heatmap and are suitable for visualizing geographical divides of areas or regions, shaded in relation to the aggregated values. Usually, the darker, more intense colors are associated with larger data values. These are best for visualizing how a measurement varies across various geographical regions. For example, showing ranges of income across different zip codes, or ranges in the number of organ donors across different countries. The region over which analysis is run has to be picked. Choropleth Map supports all countries, along with the US states and cities.
Combo Charts allow users to layer multiple XY Charts (Bar Chart, Line Chart, and Symbol Chart) over each other, in a single chart area. The charts can be of the same, or different types. Combo Charts consist of one shared dimension or Category, and multiple measures or Values and are used to compare different metrics grouped by the same category - for example, showing the total sales amount of each product layered over the same product quantities.
Comparison and Thresholds sections appear only in KPI Charts and are described in more detail in corresponding Chart Types (Bullet, Dial, Indicator gauge).
For data analysis, we have different options that allow users to work with more complex data types, such as images, long texts or files, by making additional metadata available as column values which can be used in chart creation.
Conditions are components that can be added to Triggers to test if certain filter criteria are met. Depending on the test results some of the following actions may or may not be executed. This allows for refining trigger conditions, as well as for branching within Flows. In this article, we’ll review what conditions are and how you can deploy them in your Flows to control actions.
The Qrvey platform enables end users to display dates and times in their local time zone. The Qrvey platform stores data in UTC/GMT+0 and adjusts the time displayed to the end user based on their preferred settings. The default time zone setting is specified in Qrvey Admin Center, but it can be overridden programmatically. The possible settings are:
A Connection is a link established between Qrvey and an external data source.
The Pixel-perfect Reports Builder enables you to build customizable report templates with precise control over the positioning and style of every element on the layout, down to the individual pixel.
In order to create a chart, you have to follow these steps:
A Crosstab table shows data aggregated across two different dimensions in a matrix style to show the correlation between different variables, and the values in the cross-section of the said dimensions. Crosstab Charts are used when we want to show the relationship between two Categorical values, for example, total sales (Values) by month-of-year, as one dimension (Row or Column), across different countries, as the other dimension (Column or Row).
Custom View allows you to build custom visualizations for your data, which can then be used as part of reports, dashboards, and workflows. Custom View also serves as your own personal dashboard view of what’s the most important in your dataset.
You can customize web forms to fit the look and feel of your brand, as well as configure how they get embedded into your website or application. In this article, we’ll discuss the options available within Qrvey Composer.
The Join Data feature enables you to create a new dataset by joining multiple data sources from multiple connection types. The existing datasets must have at least one column in common in order to be joined.
The Data Sync feature enables you to keep data up-to-date and synchronized with the Data Sources. You can run the synchronization manually or set up a schedule. This feature also supports cascade synchronization, in cases in which the Dataset is based on other Datasets and those Datasets are reloaded.
A Dataset View is a type of reference dataset that points to another dataset as its source. Dataset views allow you to create a customized view of a dataset for users with access to the application where the dataset view resides. Dataset views only belong to a single application; however, the source dataset can belong to a different application. Dataset views are recommended whenever you want to share data amongst users with access to different applications, while avoiding replication and copying of large datasets.
A Qrvey Dataset is a collection of structured data used to create dashboards and visualizations within the platform. There are two types of Datasets. Managed Datasets store data inside Qrvey’s data repository, a high-performance, scalable, serverless OpenSearch cluster. Alternatively, Live Connect Datasetsprovide data access directly from its source, enabling real-time queries without the need to load data.
Records that exist within dataset columns that are configured as a “Date” column type can be grouped into common date group buckets. Drag and drop a category field of type “Date” onto the Category shelf, click the three-dot menu and select Date Group. Choose the desired date group bucket and the chart will be redrawn with that date grouping applied.
The Pixel-perfect Reports Builder provides a variety of design and layout options for formatting reports.
Dial Chart uses a needle to show where a value is positioned within a range. This chart type is commonly used in dashboard reports to show key business indicators.
When using XY charts to plot data, the expectations for how categories have to be plotted may differ when the category has a continuous nature. This happens because continuous categories, such as dates and numbers, have the potential of being treated in a discrete manner.
Dot Maps display the actual geolocation of each record in the dataset as a dot on a map. These are best for detecting patterns or the distribution of data at a precise location (states, cities, street addresses, house numbers, etc.) by placing same-sized points over those locations.
This feature is disabled by default and must be enabled by your team admin. For details, please see Customizing Qrvey Composer.
Qrvey has two different embedding options available if you'd like to display your web form on a website, blog, web or mobile application.
The expandable data table is a type of group banded report. Each row presents a distinct value from the grouping field with special formatting applied to highlight the value. The number of detail records associated with the grouped value is displayed in parentheses adjacent to the grouped values. Expandable tables are especially useful for organizing datasets with a large number of rows, as multiple detail rows are collapsed by default and only revealed when users click on each group header row.
Qrvey supports exporting charts, tables, dashboards, and reports to print-friendly formats for further analysis in tools like Excel. Users can export an entire dashboard with all its panels or simply choose a single panel. Download Manager provides a central location to access and manage exported files. For more information, see Download Manager.
Filtering Data
In the Format section, you will find the option to apply Conditional Formatting or to create a Small Multiples view for your chart.
This article contains frequently asked questions organized by user persona. If you still can't find what you're looking for, ask us!
Funnel Chart is a chart type that displays data values as progressively decreasing/increasing proportions that add up to a whole. The size of each stage of a Funnel Chart is determined by the corresponding value as a percentage of the total of all values and is represented in segments (funnel levels that are representing the Category value).
This section is available for all chart types, however the options in it vary among chart types. All available options, regardless of the applicable chart type, have been listed in alphabetical order and briefly described in this article. Options that are specific to some charts are discussed in more detail in the individual chart type articles and a link is provided where applicable.
In broad terms, Heatmaps are forms of visualization that represent data in colors, mapping ranges of values to ranges of colors. With careful selection of the color spectrum used in a heatmap higher values of data may appear “hot” and lower values” can appear “cold”. This concept is used in more specific forms of charts and expanded to serve the needs of the tool that incorporates them. The variation of a heatmap that is incorporated in Qrvey takes a matrix style to facilitate visualizing one value at the intersection of two dimensions.
Qrvey has the ability to work with and analyze hierarchical data, which is often uploaded via JSON File. Hierarchical data allows you to organize information in a nested structure, making it easy to represent parent-child relationships. In Qrvey, hierarchical data can be used to create detailed, multi-level data visualizations and analyses.
Chart Builder is a rich component of Qrvey, with a lot of functionality and nuances that may go unnoticed. Because of this reason this entire section of the documentation site is dedicated to this feature.
The indicator Gauge displays a single aggregated metric with the option to compare against the same metric from a different time period. This form of visualization is best suited to display KPIs.
Datasets, Web Forms, and Connections work together to play vital roles in the data lifecycle within Qrvey, from data collection to data storage and analysis.
Everything that is created in Qrvey Composer is ultimately for the benefit of an “End User”. In some cases, the Data Analyst persona may be the same as the End User, and in other cases they may be different people. However, in all cases, the permissions and interactions with the content are different between the two personas: Data Analysts create content that End Users interact with.
Qrvey Composer is a web-based platform that enables data analysts to import and manage datasets from many sources, design data visualizations within drag-n-drop dashboards, build web forms, setup automated workflows, and generate pixel perfect reports. The platform is tailored for the specific needs of SaaS companies, enabling your team to share, distribute, or embed Qrvey's features within their own platform UIs for fully customized data experiences.
The Qrvey platform is an all-in-one analytics solution that enables SaaS providers to put cutting-edge analytics into the hands of their users. This article contains essential information required to understand how to work with the Qrvey platform.
The options in the Layers section are used to set up trends and reference lines over your charts to reveal a trend and also help predict future trends. All layers have to be explicitly added and are not applied by default.
Line charts show changes of an aggregated value over a continuous dimension (Category), usually time. For example, a line chart can be used to show the number of orders that were placed over the period of some days, months, or any other unit of time.
Qrvey Live Connect Datasets enable seamless integration and real-time connectivity with your data sources, ensuring that your analytics and dashboards always reflect the most current information. By leveraging Live Connect, you can interact with your data directly where it resides, eliminating the need for data duplication and complex ETL processes. This powerful feature ensures immediate data availability, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency with up-to-the-minute insights.
The Lookup field type offers a number of different options for populating your answer choices. In this article, we’ll outline the available options.
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Managed Datasets offer a scalable, secure solution for storing and processing large volumes of data within the Qrvey platform. Enjoy fast, reliable analytics with features like automatic indexing and optimized querying, making it easy to manage and gain insights. Stored in Qrvey’s high-performance, serverless OpenSearch cluster, Managed Datasets can be based on one or more data sources. For more information on creating multi-source datasets, see Data Joins and Appending Data (Union).
Many aspects of the axes for X/Y charts (Bar, Line, etc.) can be controlled from settings that can be found under X-Axis and Y-Axis sections in the Styles section of the Configuration Panel. These include adding a custom label to the axes, deciding if you want to show values or not, and if so, choosing the orientation of the values you want to display (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), among others. These settings are explained in this article.
Metrics are a powerful feature that allows you to keep an eye on your most important data at glance. It can be used by itself or as a part of a dashboard, report, or workflow.
A Min/Max chart shows the Minimum, Maximum, and Average values of a selected measure. These charts are best used for showing the range of a measure, like minimum and maximum temperature recorded for each day of the month. The most common use cases are for healthcare measurements (temperature, heart rate, oxygen levels, etc), or for “sensor” use-case for IoT devices where the chart creator’s main interest is to show the Min/Avg/Max each minute or hour, for example.
Multiseries Bar Charts are used when you want to present a single value in more than one category. Effectively, a Multiseries chart consists of two dimensions and a measure. Users need to add a single Category, Value and Series field to create something similar to a pivot chart. For example, if you want to show total sales by country and slice it by quarter, then you need to add country as Category, total order as Value, and order date as Series. The value of each Category is represented by the size of the respective bar and each value in the Series is represented by a color that can be distinguished by adding a legend to the chart.
The Multiseries Combo Chart is used to view multiple metrics over multiple dimensions. It combines a Multiseries Chart with any number of layers of any type of X/Y Chart (Bar Chart, Line Chart, and Symbol Chart). Use a Multiseries Combo Chart to create a visualization with one category, one series, and two or more values.
Multiseries Line Charts are used when you want to present a single value in more than one series (Categories). Effectively, a multiseries chart consists of two dimensions and a measure. Users need to add a single Category, Value and Series field to create something similar to a pivot chart. Usually, the main category is of a continuous nature - like time or some sequential number - in order for a line chart to add analytic value. However, the series can be any other type of dimension. For example, if you want to show the number of quantity ordered over time for various continents, then you need to add orderDate as Category, quantityOrdered as Value, and continents as the Series.
Multiseries Symbol Charts are used when you want to present a single value in more than one category. Effectively, a multiseries chart consists of two dimensions and a measure. Users need to add a single Category, Value and Series field to create something similar to a pivot chart. For example, if you want to show the number of orders in various statuses, across order months, you can add Shipped Date as Category, Quantity as Value, and Status as Series.
The Analyze tab provides a variety of features for analyzing your dataset, including:
A flow is a series of components that work together to perform a task. They can be used to automate just about anything in Qrvey Composer, adding power and flexibility to your applications. This article discusses the main components of a flow and how to create one.
Chart Builder is the tool that is used for creating charts and metrics based on the data. As you work within the Chart Builder and make changes to your selections, you can see results instantaneously, which allows you to discover new insights about your data.
On the right side of your screen, you have the Configuration Panel where you can choose the type of chart as well as adjust styles and apply different features to your chart.
Dashboard Builder makes it easy to combine multiple Qrvey Composer components, like forms, charts and metrics, into beautiful web pages, each with their own unique sharable URL. You can also combine multiple dashboards into a complete information application by using the Navigation feature.
This section describes how to use the Dashboard Builder feature to combine multiple Qrvey Composer components, like forms, charts and metrics, into full-featured interactive web pages that you can embed in your host application. Articles include:
Qrvey Composer provides filtering capabilities to focus on the portion of the data relevant to your analysis, affecting the data displayed in the widgets. You can change these filters to focus on more specific data.
Formula Builder is an interactive user interface that enables you to quickly create, test, and save formulas. Formulas enable you to create new columns of data that do not already exist in the dataset. For example, you can create a formula to segment data, aggregate data, calculate ratios, and much more. Once a formula is created and saved, it is available in Chart Builder, Pixel-perfect Reports, and the Analyze widget as a new column that can be added to a chart or visualization. The Qrvey platform computes the values of that column in real time, when the end user displays the chart or visualization.
If your data contains address information that you wish to display on any type of map chart, you need to create a Geolocation Group out of your desired address fields.
Qrvey platform supports internationalization and localization for end users in a comprehensive manner. Multi-lingual support is offered for both “static” and “dynamic” text, as well as formatting of numbers and dates based on regions and cultures.
You can combine multiple pages together into a complete information application by using the Navigation tab to add a simple menu that will appear on all of your pages.
The Pixel-perfect Reports Builder enables you to build customizable report templates with precise control over the positioning and style of every element on the layout, down to the individual pixel. Pixel-perfect formatting is important when the output must meet exact specifications, such as in audit reports, tax forms, regulatory documents, shipping labels, and more. This feature also provides rigorous controls for formatting PDF and print output.
Data Analysts use Qrvey Composer to set up datasets and create visualizations and dashboards to help end users find trends in their data.
The Design tab of the Data feature enables you to design your dataset. The following diagram provides an overview of its features.
In the User Management tab, you can not only create users and groups but also restrict access to certain portions of your application. For instance, you may wish to hide individual pages or components from certain users or allow certain groups of users to access only specific datasets.
Web Forms are the mechanism with which Qrvey application collect new information from humans. They're also the primary way people update existing data within Qrvey apps.
A Pie Chart is essentially a circle divided into slices. The full circle, or “pie” represents 100% of the data points selected. By having categorical data, each slice represents a different category where each slice is proportional to the value it visualizes. Pie charts are the most appropriate when we’re trying to show the proportions of a limited number of subcategories that make up a whole. For example proportions of Yes, No, and Impartial votes as parts of the entire votes count. While this number is fairly arbitrary, having pie charts with more than 10 slices does not provide a good user experience.
This article describes the various option for publishing reports created in Pixel-perfect Reports.
Qrvey makes it easy to publish your web forms just about anywhere. This article discusses different ways you can use your forms, surveys, and quizzes. For information on embedding web forms, see Embedding Web Forms.
Radar chart, also known as a Polar, Spider, or Web chart, is mainly used to compare the performance of multiple items (values columns) in different areas (category column). The category values are depicted as “poles” of the chart, while the aggregate of the value column in each category is depicted as a point on the pole. In most cases the points are connected with a line to create a polygon.
Page Groups enable you to repeat a set of components in the report body. For example, you can create a standard invoice format and associate it with a dataset column, so the report will display separate invoices with the distinct values of the column. Page Groups also provide an option to insert a page break after every iteration.
This feature lets you automatically produce exports at specified intervals and send them to an email address. The Schedule option is available from the Export dialog that displays when you perform an export. Once created, you can then view, manage, and download your scheduled exports using the Download Manager. For more information on the Export feature, see Exporting Data.
The default visualization colors and font styles are determined by a “theme” that applies to the entire Qrvey app. The default theme can be modified and many of its settings can be further customized within each individual chart’s configuration. This article explains the various layers of applying colors and adjusting font styles of charts and their panels.
The Data & Parameters panel enables you to set up the datasets used in your report. You can only select one dataset per report. You must create parameters before you can add them to a report.
Smart Analyzer unleashes the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to acquire new insights into your data. This feature establishes a link between ChatGPT and the data in your chart, enabling you to ask ChatGPT questions in natural language about your data. This feature does not alter or modify datasets in any way.
Qrvey provides comprehensive sorting options for all types of charts. Depending on the chart type, data might be sortable from each column pill, from the Sort by option in the General section, from the chart itself, or from the Sorting section in the Configuration panel. For more information on the various options, see Sorting the Data.
There are several ways to sort data within the Chart Builder. These different methods are explained later in the Access Points for Sorting section. It is important to keep in mind that by default, for most charts, data is sorted by the grouped column in ascending order. An arrow icon in the pillbox for the data field indicates the sorting direction; the up arrow indicates ascending sort order and the down arrow indicates descending sort order.
The Styles section enables you to control various visual elements of the charts, such as colors, labels, and more. It is available for most chart types, and the options vary depending on the chart selected. This article provides an alphabetized list of all the options available to all chart types.
Every dataset connected to Qrvey will automatically generate a Summary View, which provides a quick look into your data. To access the summary view, just navigate the web form or dataset with the data you want to review and click the Analyze tab.
Symbol Charts show aggregated values (unlike scatter plot which is based on non-aggregated data) with the purpose of seeing which data points stand out as the highest and lowest of the bunch - this makes sense when you have many data points. Symbol Charts are considered very close to Bar Charts in their use case and therefore everything that applies to a Bar Chart also applies to a Symbol Chart in the analytical sense.
Tables display data in rows of consecutive columns, in a spreadsheet-like format. This form of visualization provides an easy way to view the data and perform various analytical functions - such as grouping, sorting, and filtering. Tables are best suited either for viewing the raw data in a dataset or for analyzing multiple aggregations of data grouped by one or more categories. Tables support the display of an unlimited number of columns and rows, which allows users to see the raw unaggregated data before additional analysis is performed.
Table Calculation is a feature that produces new columns of data based on predefined aggregate functions executed against existing columns of data. Any data column added to the “Values” or “Other Values” shelves in the Chart Builder UI can be used as a source column for a table calculation. The Table Calculations UI contains the following fields:
Tabular View offers a traditional, spreadsheet-style view of your data. This is organized into familiar rows and columns. You can add, edit, and delete data as needed. Tabular View also allows for analysis such as filtering, bucketing, and aggregate functions.
Tokens are parameters or variables that act as containers for data. There are three categories of Tokens available: System, Data, and User Defined. Tokens can be used across different contexts in the application.
Transformations manipulate existing columns and create new ones so that the data is analysis-ready. For example, you can standardize values by setting all values to upper or lower case, combine values together, or flatten arrays of layered data. Transformations are run during the loading process.
The Trend Chart section only appears for grouped tables and can be used to set up a column or bar chart for each aggregated value over the values of another “Trend By” column, usually a date that can be grouped into months, quarters, years, or other units.
Triggers are the components that begin, i.e. initiate, a Flow. This article describes the trigger types and how to use them in your Flows. If you’re not yet familiar with the mechanics of a Flow, see Overview of Automation.
Data Engine Syntax mode enables you to create formulas using the syntax of a specific database engine.
Standardized Syntax Mode enables you to create formulas using a standardized language rather than a specific syntax for a specific database engine. Formulas created in Standardize Syntax Mode work with any database engine supported by the Managed Connect and Live Connect features.
Qrvey’s Web Forms offer a wide variety of field types to make sure you have the right tool for the job. In this guide, we’ll list all of the available types and explain how to use each one.
A Word Cloud is a visual representation of text data in which the importance or frequency of individual words is represented using the font size. The more important or most frequently used a word is, the larger it appears. This format allows users to spot the most important or frequently used words in a Dataset. Word Cloud charts are best suited when trying to analyze the composition of language to help identify what the most important words or sentiments in a dataset are. For business purposes, Word Clouds can be helpful to find customers' pain points.
The Pixel-perfect Reports Builder supports the use of formulas to manipulate data from the report’s dataset. To create a formula, click the Formula icon in the toolbar. For more information on working with formulas, see Formulas.
Filters refine data based on some selected criteria. That is, you can choose particular fields or values and view only the information related to them. To start working with filters, you need to be familiar with the various filter components that are used to create and later interact with the filter inside the Qrvey platform.
The Pixel-perfect Reports Builder provides two options for displaying tabular data: