Overview of the Design Page
The Design tab of the Data feature enables you to design your dataset. The following diagram provides an overview of its features.
- Name and dataset status. Displays the dataset name, status, last load time, number of columns, and number of records. To change the name of the dataset, click its name and type a new one. To mark a dataset as a favorite, click on the star icon next to its name. Favorite datasets appear on top of the dataset list screen.
- Discard Changes and Apply Changes. Changes made on this page are not saved until they are applied.
- Load/Reload Dataset - Click Load Dataset to begin using a new dataset. Click Reload Dataset after making changes and applying changes to an existing dataset.
- Data source column pill - Click the three-dot menu to display the following options for working with the column:
- Edit Connection Settings
- Edit Query
- Join to Another Data Source
- Union with Another Data Source
- Switch to Another Data Source
- Rename
Columns tab and Column IDs
The Columns tab enables you to view each column in the dataset and modify its settings as needed. For information on the available options, see Datasets - Managed.
See also: For more information on the features available in the Design page, see: