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Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.6

Managed Datasets

Managed Datasets offer a scalable, secure solution for storing and processing large volumes of data within the Qrvey platform. Enjoy fast, reliable analytics with features like automatic indexing and optimized querying, making it easy to manage and gain insights. Stored in Qrvey’s high-performance, serverless OpenSearch cluster, Managed Datasets can be based on one or more data sources. For more information on creating multi-source datasets, see Data Joins and Appending Data (Union).

Create a Managed Dataset


To create a managed dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data section and open the Datasets tab.
  2. Click Create New Dataset and select New Managed Dataset. A dialog will open.


This dialog enables you to specify where the data will be fetched from. The data source can be based on an existing connection, a dataset you previously created, or another data structure that was created and shared. If none of these exist, you can create a new Connection by clicking the Create New Connection link. For more information, see Connections.

  1. Select a data source and click Next.
    If you selected a database connection, the Select Database and Query dialog displays.


  1. Select one of the following options for defining the data to view from that database:

    • Tables and Views. Select a table or view from the list. To display a partial view of the data, hover over a column name to display (and then click) the View Source Data link.
    • SQL Query. Enter a custom SQL query as your data source in the field provided.
  2. Optional: If you anticipate that the data will require 10 minutes or longer to load, select the This is a long-running query check box. Otherwise, you may experience timeout errors. For smaller datasets, leave this option clear for optimal performance.

  3. Click Save.
    The Design page for the newly created dataset displays.

  4. Use this page to configure your columns and dataset options before loading the data. To learn more, please read Overview of the Design Page.

The new dataset is given a default name using the following format: {the connection name} - {table/view name} which you can edit by clicking on the name and entering a new one.

At this point, the dataset is not actually created or populated with data. You may return to the Datasets page and you will see a new draft dataset, with its default name and a gray bar next to it that indicates its being in draft mode.


Draft mode indicates that your selections have been saved and you can resume working on it at any time. Note that all design steps are optional and can be used to fully customize your dataset.

  1. Customize and Configure the Dataset as desired.
  2. Once your dataset is configured, Load the Data.

Synchronize Data

Data Synchronization enables you to keep data up-to-date and synchronized.

View Source Data


View Source Data displays the first 100 rows of data from the data source.

Modify The Data Source


  1. Click the three-dot menu in the data source pill.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  • Edit Connection Settings — Modify the properties of the data source's connection. Available for all data sources.
  • Edit Query — Select a different table or view from the same Connection or change the SQL query of a custom query data source.
    Note: This option is only available for database data sources. If the data source is MongoDB, the Edit Query dialog enables you to configure Queries, Aggregations, and Projections.
  • Join to Another Data Source — Add another data source to the existing ones. For more information, see Data Joins.
  • Union with Another Data Source — Append or union the data from another data source to the existing ones. For more information, see Appending Data (Union).
  • Switch for Another Data Source — Select a data source from a connection other than the one currently in use.
  • Rename — Change the name of the data source.
  • Delete — Remove the selected data source from a join. Only available for data sources that have been joined with another.

Note: Modifying the data source by removing columns, renaming columns, or changing the data type, may break visualizations previously built based on this dataset.

Automatically Add New Columns


Allows Qrvey to add any new columns that it finds during the data reload process. This feature is especially useful if the data source is a query or view that may change or include new data columns over time. This option is disabled by default.

To enable this option, follow these steps.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. Select Automatically add new columns discovered during data loads.

Select the Dataset Columns​


You may not need all the columns from the data source to be included in the dataset.

  1. Use the check boxes to select the columns as desired. Notice there are two check boxes.
  • Dataset — The checkbox on the left determines whether the data column is included in the dataset. To remove a column, clear its check box. Do not remove any columns that are needed for synchronizing data or joining to another data source.
  • Visualizations — The checkbox on the right determines whether the column can be used for visualizations. Clear this box to hide the column from view. This option is useful for columns that have little analysis value, for example, an ID or key column.

    Note: You cannot remove columns if Geolocation has been applied.

Change Column Name

  1. Click on its box and enter a new name. This change does not require a data reload.

To display helpful information about the column, hover over the field displayed to the right of its name. A tooltip displays with its friendly name, original column name, and original data type.


Note: Use the Search box under Columns to quickly find columns by their names in a large dataset.

Change the Data Type

The Qrvey platform automatically determines the data type of each column by sampling the data source. However, you can refine or change the data type.

To change the data type of a column:

  1. Click its Column Type field and select the desired data type.
    This change requires a data reload (if it has already been loaded).

Change the Input Format


The Input Format option is available when the system is unable to determine the input format of a column in a file upload. For example, with date type columns, a situation may occur in which the system cannot determine whether a date format is mm/dd or dd/mm. Carefully review and adjust input formats as needed. This change requires a data reload (if it has already been loaded).

Change the Visualization Format

The Visualization Format option enables you to change the default format for displaying date and numeric data in visualizations. Changing visualization formats does not require a data reload. The initial format was chosen automatically by the Qrvey platform.

This option is useful in various cases, such as when a numeric data column contains currency data. You can change the visualization format to Currency, which adds the currency symbol and formats it with two decimal places.


You can also enter custom Date format with the following syntax:


Select Unique Identifier Columns


If you are the using Data Synchronization feature in Append and Update mode, you must select a unique identifier column. The unique ID may consist of a single column or a group of columns.

To set a unique identifier on a column:

  1. Click it’s three-dot menu.
  2. Point to Unique ID.
  3. Select On.
    This change requires a data reload (if it has already been loaded).

Define a Column Security Name


If the data in a dataset is controlled by Record Level Security (RLS), the columns used to filter the data need to be identified and given a security name. This name is used at authentication time and the data is filtered by the value of the set variable for each authenticated user.

Note: Assigning a security name does not, by itself, enable RLS. RLS must be configured in the Qrvey Admin Center. For more information, see Record Level Security.

To assign a security name to a column:

  1. Click its three-dot menu and select Enable Record Level Security.
  2. The Record Level Security - Security Name dialog displays.
  3. Enter a security name and click OK to confirm.
    Defining the security name for a column does not require a data reload.

Any dataset column can be configured so that it automatically presents a link to a selected URL when it is used in a visualization. A common use case for this feature is where a column contains a location and you want the column to always link to a map site, showing the location on the map. For more information, see Column Links.

Configure Geolocation Groups

The Geolocation Groups feature displays address information in map charts.

Transform Column Data

A Transformation enables you to change any piece of data before loading it into a dataset. Transformations may be simple, such as changing the values in a column to uppercase, or more complex, such as parsing JSON objects into arrays. Transformed data can be loaded into the same column from which it originated, or into new columns.

Load Data

Once the dataset is configured as desired, you may load the data.

  1. Click Load Dataset. The Load Dataset dialog will appear.
  2. Select the estimated size of the dataset and click Load. The progress bar at the top-right of the screen indicates the current progress of the data load. You may continue working in Qrvey Composer while the data loads in the background.
    This estimate can be changed at a later time in the Advanced Settings tab.
  3. If you remain on the Design tab during the data load process, once complete, the Summary view displays information about the data loaded.
  4. To view events, errors or issues with the data load, please check the Activity Log.