Tokens are parameters or variables that act as containers for data. There are three categories of Tokens available: System, Data, and User Defined. Tokens can be used across different contexts in the application.
Types of Tokens
System Tokens: Standard tokens provided by the system.
Data Tokens: Tokens automatically generated from the rows/columns within a dataset and used to reference values from the data.
User Defined Tokens: Tokens created by you in text, numeric, or date format.
Tokens Suggestion Box
The suggestion box is a guide to show which tokens are available. It can be accessed by typing two curly brackets {{
into the text field where you want to use a token. The tokens that are available for that specific context will be shown on the corresponding drop-down list.
From this box you can also access the Tokens Management Modal by clicking on Add/Manage Tokens
Token Management
This view will show the available data and user defined tokens, grouped into two corresponding tabs. Each token can be given a name, a value, an alias for easy reference, and a description. The User Defined tab is where you can create and manage your own tokens.
In the Data tab, you’ll find automatically generated tokens for each column in your connected datasets. You can add aliases to any or all of these columns as needed.
System Tokens
System tokens cannot be edited and are available throughout your application with self-explanatory names. The list of supported system tokens is as follows:
— The day of the week (e.g., Tuesday){{CURRENT_DAY_OF_WEEK}}
— The exact time, inmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
— today's date , inmm/dd/yyyy