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What’s New

Qrvey 8.8
Qrvey Version 8.8 (LTS) is now available to customers! This version supports FIPS for GovCloud and includes tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.8

Dashboard Builder

When embedded in an application, the Dashboard Builder widget enables users to modify existing dashboards or add new dashboards. Dashboards may contain reports, web forms, or other content.

Embeddable Script

<!-- Tag -->
<qrvey-builders settings="config"></qrvey-builders>

<!-- Config -->
var config = {
apiKey: "<API_KEY>",
domain: "<DOMAIN>",
userId: "<USER_ID>",
appId: "<APP_ID>"

<!-- Launcher -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<WIDGETS_URL>/widgets-launcher/app.js"></script>

Configuration Object

apiKeyString, Your organization’s unique API key required to access the Qrvey platform.Required, if qvToken is not provided
qvTokenString, Encrypted token used for secure authentication.Required, if apiKey is not provided
appIdString, ID of the Qrvey application that contains the asset you want to embed.Required
domainString, The base URL of your Qrvey instance.Required
userIdString, ID of the Qrvey User that owns the application being embedded.Required
clientidString, Unique identifier for the tenant end user. Required for using the End User Personalization and Download Manager features. The clientid must be set to a unique value for each tenant end user.Optional
dashboardIdString, ID of a specific dashboard to open to. If omitted, the end user will be taken to the "dashboard selection" page.Optional, but in practice you should always send the user to a specific dashboard.
timezoneObject, Overrides the timezone setting in Qrvey Admin Center. For more information, see Configuring Time Zone Settings.Optional
privatePagesBoolean, Pre-defines the privacy state of new dashboards. If true, every new dashboard will be private (and unavailable to unauthenticated users). Defaults to false, and therefore dashboards are published in a public state.Optional
doNotAllowArray<String>, Hides or blocks certain features. Currently only supports: CREATE_CHART which hides the "Create Chart" button.
Example: ["CREATE_CHART"]
stylesObject, Allows users to modify part of the look and feel of the widget. Every property supports a string (hexadecimal color) or the name of a color. For details, please see The Styles Object below.Optional
userFiltersArray<Object>, Collection of custom filters that the system will apply to the visualized data. For more information, see Working With Filters in Embedded Scenarios.Optional
customTokensObject, Sets custom threshold values in Bullet and Dial charts. For more information, see Using Custom Tokens.Optional
authenticatedSession.emailString, The email property in the authenticatedSession object specifies the email address to associate with the widget. If an address is not specified, exports are sent to the email address associated with the user ID.Optional
themeIdString, theme ID to use in the component. For more details, please see Accessing a Theme Programmatically.Optional
fitPanelButtonBoolean, If false, hides the "fit to panel" button on charts and panels. Defaults to true.Optional
featurePermissionObject, Configure which features are available in the widget. For more information, please see The Feature Permission Object below.Optional


main_colorSets main color using a hex color value.Optional
main_text_colorSets main text color using a hex color value.Optional
secondary_colorSets secondary color using a hex color value.Optional
icon_colorSets icon color using a hex color value.Optional
tab_bar_colorDeSets tab bar using a hex color value.scOptional
tab_font_colorSets tab font color using a hex color value.Optional
error_colorSets error color using a hex color value.Optional

Feature Permission

The following table describes the properties of the featurePermission object.

liteVersionBoolean, Hides all elements that are managed by feature permissions if true. Defaults to false. For more details, check the example given below this table.Optional
navigationObject, Defines navigation-related features that can be hidden.Optional
navigation.hideNavigationTabBoolean, Hides the entry method to the navigation tab in the top bar of the widget if true. Defaults to false.Optional
userManagementObject, Defines user management related features that can be hidden.Optional
userManagement.hideUserManagementTabBoolean Hides the entry method to the user management tab in the top bar of the widget if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplicationObject, Define pages and application-related features that can be hidden.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hidePublishAppButtonBoolean, Hides button “Unpublish / publish" application button if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hidePublishPageButtonBoolean, Hides “publish page” button if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hideCopyPageLinkBoolean, Hides the UI interfaces where the user can get the link of a page if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hideLaunchButtonBoolean, Hides the button to access the page view if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hideCreateManagePagesBoolean, Hides all options to create pages if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hidePageStatusBoolean, Hides Text status if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hidePagesBarBoolean, Hide bottom bar pages if true. Defaults to false.Optional
pagesAndApplication.hideThreeDotMenuBoolean, When true, hides the three-dot menu, including in edit mode. Defaults to false.Optional
canvasObject, Defines canvas related features that can be hidden.Optional
canvas.hideManageCanvasBoolean, If true, hides the following options: Grid, Responsive View, Discard Changes. Defaults to false.Optional
downloadsObject, Contains params to control display of the download and schedule exports feature.Optional
downloads.hideGeneralDownloadBoolean, Displays the download access points in the widget if true. Defaults to false.Optional
downloads.hideScheduleBoolean, Hides the scheduling export option if true. Defaults to true.Optional

Tip: To hide all features, set the liteVersion property to true. For example:

const widgetConfig = {
domain: "DOMAIN",
appid: "APP_ID",
userid: "USER_ID",
featurePermission: {
liteVersion: true,

Tip: To hide most features, set the liteVersion property to true and list the exceptions you want to show to false. For example:

const widgetConfig = {
domain: "DOMAIN",
appid: "APP_ID",
userid: "USER_ID",
featurePermission: {
liteVersion: true,
hideUserManagementTab: false


The widget supports custom events to update keys of the configuration, you can dispatch an event using your own user interface to modify the behavior.

  • atApplyUserFilters() — Enables changes to the userFilters property.

    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('atApplyUserFilters', {detail: userFilters}));