Data Load Notifications
The process of loading data into an OpenSearch index may be initiated from an API call, due to a data load request from the UI or a scheduled data sync. In either case, a data load job is created and executed, and the results of the job are logged in AWS. The loading process has two “SNS topics” associated with it; one for a successful, and the other for a failed job. One can subscribe to either, or both of these topics to receive notification emails about the load process.
This article is a step-by-step guide to subscribing to these notifications.
Login to AWS console
Use the search bar to find “Simple Notification Service” (SNS).
Click on the topics and search for the topics called [your-instance-id]_dataload_failed_job_notification and [your-instance-id]_dataload_successful_job_notification.
Select either of the two topics and click on Create subscription.
Select “Email” as the “Protocol”.
Add an email address and click on Create subscription.
Check your email for a message from SNS to confirm the subscription.
You are now subscribed to receive email notifications when any data load job succeeds/fails. You can always return to the AWS console to stop or make changes to your subscription.